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We had the opportunity to have a conversation with Jessica McIntyre, school social worker for Wellcome Middle School, Bethel School, and North Pitt High School, about Mental Health Awareness Month and how it is recognized in our schools. Whether you’ve never accessed school mental health services, or accessed them multiple times,  there may be a new resource that you could learn about. See the conversation highlights below to learn more from Jessica and mental health services.

PPS-PC: May is Mental Health Awareness Month. How does this relate to schools and students?

Jessica McIntyre: This month relates to our schools and students because it is an opportunity to bring awareness to the common mental health diagnosis we see within our school system.  Additionally, through education and awareness this month can help to reduce the negative stigmas that are sometimes associated with mental health.

PPS-PC: What types of mental health services are available to students through the schools?

Jessica McIntyre: School Social Workers and School Counselors are available to provide brief interventions for our students. Pitt County Schools has collaborated with local providers who provide school based mental health services for students who need additional mental health services. The students utilizing these services receive one on one mental health services with a licensed clinician, while the students attend school.

PPS-PC:  How does a student or family access mental health services within a school, and who are the key people students and families could connect with when seeking these services?

Jessica McIntyre: If a student is in need of mental health services and/or is experiencing challenges with their mental health, it is essential that the school counselor and the school social worker are contacted. The school counselor completes the online referral form for the local providers. After the referral form is completed, the designated mental health agency contacts the student’s caregiver and begins the intake process.

PPS-PC: What words would you like to share with someone who has never accessed mental health services but might be considering doing so for the first time?

Jessica McInyre: If what you are feeling is more than just a bad day, seeking mental health services with a professional might be the best thing for you. Seeking mental health services can be intimidating at first, but do not be afraid.  It is okay to need help and its okay to ask questions. Trained mental health professionals are there to join with you and help you work through your mental health challenges.