Community Conversations
Community Conversations are guided discussions held with parents and community members who want to share their perspectives on our schools and learn about current education topics. We are currently piloting a new version of Community Conversations with our PEP class and will resume Community Conversations with the larger community in the 2023 School year.
Would you like to attend or host a community conversation at a future date? Contact us through our connect page.
To read the 2021-2022 Community Conversation Report click the following link: Parents for Public Schools Community Conversation Report 21.22
Parent Engagement Program and Academy
The Parent Engagement Program (PEP) is a parent leadership class designed to increase positive parent engagement and enhance school-parent collaboration. PEP classes are conducted by nationally trained facilitators and cover topics such as school curriculum, data, testing, and leadership. The next PEP class will commence in the fall of 2022.
The Parent Engagement Program (PEP) Academy is a yearlong series of public education-related workshops, each approximately two hours in length, offered during lunch and evening hours. The topics for PEP Academy depend on current educational issues and community interest but may include workshops such as college and career readiness, digital learning, and kindergarten preparation and readiness. PEP Academy will be held during the 2023-2024 school year.
Click here to see our 2022-2023 PEP Participants!
School Tours
School tours are offered at any PCS school to help recruit families to Pitt County and to the public schools, as well as give community members a chance to see what’s new in the public school system.
Contact us through our connect page to schedule a tour today!
The 2024 Spring School Tour Series begins on February 20th and concludes on March 21st. Tours are available at all Pitt County Schools. Anyone who would like to tour Pitt Community College can email to request a tour at PCC. Anyone in the community is invited to attend one or more tours. Students are encouraged to attend tours with their family. Thank you to Children’s Health Services and to Pitt Community College for sponsoring the 2024 PPS-PC Spring School Tour Series. To sign up for a tour click this link –
PPS-PC Community Leader School Tour Series
This tour series occurs annually in the fall and is designed for community leaders such as elected officials, realtors, bankers, and faith leaders. Each Community Leader School Tour Series includes a tour at an Elementary School, K-8 School, Middle School, High School and either an Early College or the PCS Pre-K program. Dates for the 2024 PPS-PC Community Leader School Tour Series will be announced later in the fall.