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This month we want to introduce two Pitt County School Counselors – Jolisha White and Nicky Silver who are counselors at Wellcome Middle School.

-How long have you been a counselor? How many years have you been a counselor at your current school? How many students do you serve?

Jolisha – I have been a counselor for 2 years and have been at Wellcome Middle School both of those years. I serve 407 students.

Nicky – I have been a counselor for 21 years and have been at Wellcome Middle School for 9 years. I serve 426 students.

-Students know you as a school counselor. What is something interesting about you as a person?

Jolisha – I have three dogs. My hobbies are swimming, scrapbooking and traveling. I do not eat seafood. I love the outdoors.

-What is your favorite part of being a school counselor?  

Nicky – Interacting with the students.

-The role of a school counselor has changed over time. What are key components of what you do in your role as a counselor at your school?

Nicky – Collaborating with students, staff and community volunteers.

-What advice, from the perspective of your role, would you give to families with an incoming 6th grader?

Jolisha – That families attend open house and title 1 events. These events provide many resources for students and their families. I also encourage students to attend summer bridge, this is a week-long summer program to help incoming 6th graders transition into middle school. This is also a great opportunity for students to meet their teachers and begin building relationships with staff (teachers, counselors, administration).

week-long summer program to help incoming 6th graders transition into middle school. This is also a great opportunity for students to meet their teachers and begin building relationships with staff (teachers, counselors, administration).

Nicky – Stay involved in every way possible. Volunteer at the school if they can fit it in their schedule. Monitor their students’ social media pages and friends.

-What advice, from the perspective of your role, would you give to families with a rising 8th grader?

Jolisha – Families and students ask their school counselor for early high school resources. I encourage families to research early college opportunities and to attend the events North Pitt High School offers such as curriculum night and zoom Q&A’s.
Nicky – Stay supportive of their student and the teachers, working in education is a job that is unappreciated, bridge the gap between the parents and school, get involved with the PTA or PTO at the school and help the school make learning fun and beneficial.

Kindergarten 101 Highlights & Video Links 

PPS-PC hosted Kindergarten 101 events on January 25th and January 26th for parents and caregivers of children who will be entering kindergarten in August 2023. Over 60 people attended one of the Kindergarten 101 seminars this year in person. If you were unable to attend, both sessions were recorded and are available on the PPS-PC YouTube page –

Wednesday January 25th event –

Thursday January 26th event –

Thank you to each of the presenters who shared helpful information and answered lots of questions. We also want to thank The Memorial Baptist Church and The Kathy Taft Center for being great hosts and providing meeting space for the Kindergarten 101 events.