What is Grow Local? It is a no-cost/educator initiative designed to introduce, involve, inspire, and invest in the future of our community and workforce. Grow Local was originally introduced in Pitt County in 2018 and is a program designed to create and unveil career interests, grow the talent pipeline, and connect local businesses to future employees. The Greenville-Pitt Chamber of Commerce organizes the program which is supported by a variety of local sponsors each year.
In 2024 Grow Local week was April 15 – 19. Each year during Grow Local week, Pitt County businesses open their doors to host local middle and high school students, providing them with a unique opportunity to identify career paths and opportunities they may be unaware of. From tours of local businesses, conversations with business leaders, and hands-on activities, students had first-hand experience to see a “day in the life” of an employee in a field relevant to the curriculum they are studying in their class.
3,224 students from over 100 different classes or groups participated in Grow Local this year. Students from 12 middle schools and 9 high schools spread throughout Pitt County, visiting 93 businesses (some offered two visits) to learn about a wide variety of jobs available here locally. Be Pro Be Proud also participated again for a 2 day visit – hosting 9 classes.
“One of the kids in the class I spoke with had been to Jack A Farrior that morning and he was blown away. Between his on-site visit in the morning and talking through career options in the afternoon, I feel like he was really looking in new directions he had not considered before. Without opportunities like this, students can’t make informed decisions. So thank you for providing the opportunity!” Brandi Bragg – NC Pathways
“Thank you for allowing my class to attend the Red Shark Digital Design field trip. They did an awesome presentation. The students did a great job! We went to the food court at the mall for lunch, which the kids enjoyed. One student told me it was her FIRST time eating inside a restaurant! I saw a different side of her. She was talkative and interacted with one of the other students. A student came to me and said: “Thank you for taking us on the field trip. It was fun.” What a great experience for the students!” Mary Ann Fleming – South Central High School teacher
“The business gave a great explanation of every part of their business. These students in Marketing/Graphic Design class at DH Conley really helped them see what they could do in this field. They also talked about what to major in, etc. It was wonderful.” Jennifer Hemink – Grow Local volunteer