PPS-PC 10th Anniversary Celebration –
In July 2013 a group of parents launched the Pitt County Chapter of Parents for Public Schools. A milestone like 10 years of advancing the role of families and communities in securing a high quality public education for each child should be celebrated and PPS-PC is going to do that! Mark your calendar on October 10th for PPS-PC’s 10th Anniversary Celebration! We hope you will join us that evening for a wonderful celebration. More details about that celebration will be shared in the coming weeks.
2023 Stuff the Bus –
On Saturday August 12th PPS-PC and Optimum partnered together for the fourth year to host a school supply drive for Pitt County Schools at the 10th St. Walmart in Greenville. This year over 9,100 items were donated! Thank you to the community for such incredible support! Thank you to all the volunteers who hand out flyers, counted items, and organized all of the items on the school bus. Thank you to the ECU student athletes from the baseball team and men’s and women’s basketball teams who helped as a part of the PPS-PC/Team Boneyard partnership. Thank you to the Pitt County Schools Social workers who help get the donated school supplies to schools, teachers and students who need them.
2023-2024 PPS-PC Communication Interns –
The start of a new school year is an exciting time for PPS-PC as we welcome new interns. Each year interns play an integral role in helping PPS-PC carry out it’s mission. This year we are pleased to introduce our Communication interns – Glynn Claire Lackey and Katie Dominick – who will be working with PPS-PC during the 2023-2024 school year.
Glynn Claire is from Raleigh and is a senior at ECU majoring in Communications. She will graduate in May with a Bachelor of Science. After graduation she hopes to go to graduate school and accumulate more experience before applying for jobs and settling down! She loves running, going to concerts, traveling, and cannot wait to love PPS-PC too!
Katie is a junior at ECU earning a degree in healthcare administration with a minor in psychology and hopes to one day become a Marriage Family Therapist, and help people have healthy relationships with one another! She loves working out, reading, and seeing her friends here, and is so excited to add PPS to the list of things she loves!
What interested you about working with PPS-PC?
Glynn Claire was interested in doing an internship with PPS-PC because of the impactful community outreach this non-profit organization is a part of! As a student she is a part of the ECU community but has wanted to be a bigger part of the Greenville community and this internship allows her to do that.
Katie said she believes in giving back to the community in as many ways as she can, and PPS-PC gives her the privilege to directly help parents and students around the community.
What are you most excited about working with PPS-PC?
Glynn Claire said she is excited about getting to meet and work with all PPS-PC staff and volunteers, while creating relationships with the parents and children in our community!
Katie is most excited to see all the wonderful ways that PPS-PC helps students and parents get more involved in their academic journey, and make the educational road as smooth as possible for everyone involved!
Welcome to our new interns!