“To advance the role of families and communities in securing a high quality public education for each child.” This is the mission statement for PPS-PC. To achieve that goal PPS-PC understands that families and communities play a critical role in living out the mission statement with the assistance of the core programs including Community Conversations, Parent Engagement Program and School Tours.
Pitt County Schools welcomed back students for the 2024-2025 school year on Monday August 26th. Dedicated teachers, administrators and district staff have been preparing for the start of a new school year. Support from parents and the community at large will play a prominent role in the success of the school year. The start of a new school year is an opportunity for families as well as communities to consider possibilities of how they can engage and advocate on behalf of all students, Pitt County Schools and public education.
What does engagement look like? If you haven’t already done so, connect with your child’s teacher. Set up a parent teacher conference early in the school year to discuss ways you can support your child and the teacher throughout the school year. If your child’s school has a parent/teacher organization, find out how you can get connected and be a part of the ongoing work of that group and to learn more about upcoming events hosted by the organization. If there is not a formal parent/teacher organization at the school, talk with other parents, staff and administration about exploring the possibility of starting one. PPS-PC would be happy to be a part of those conversations. Talk with school administrators about how you can best engage and support the school throughout the year. Consider connecting with one or more PPS-PC programs this fall.
What does advocating at school look like? Advocating at school means asking questions, sharing concerns, and seeking the right support. Engaging with your child’s teacher and opening lines of communication early in the school year is helpful when you need to advocate for your child. Advocacy helps ensure that your child gets the support they need to thrive this school year. Advocacy also helps ensure that your child’s school has the support it needs to thrive this school year. You don’t have to be loud or talk in front of a lot of people to be an advocate. You can advocate quietly and with just one person, like your child’s teacher. If you notice that your child struggles with taking a test or staying focused or is having trouble getting along with another student you can advocate on behalf of your child as you ask questions, share concerns and seek the support your child needs to be successful.
There are several opportunities connected with PPS-PC to help you engage in the upcoming weeks –
PCS Engage is a partnership between PPS-PC, The Pitt County Educational Foundation and Pitt County Schools to support parent/teacher organizations at schools. The next PCS Engage meeting is on Friday September 20th at 12:00. If you would like to learn more about PCS Engage please email jbreazeale@ppspittcounty.org
Sign up to be a part of the Early Childhood Development PEP which is designed to help participants understand early learning through healthy brain development. It supports parents, caregivers, and families in ensuring a strong start for young children. The next cohort will meet for 4 sessions on 9/17, 10/1, 10/15 and 10/29 from 9 – 11:30 am.
Use this link to sign up – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_jEqBRgm2njdOjSUp_4JhtOrr4fNeE7DasJABfzEONsFbgQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
If you have questions about ECD PEP please email jbreazeale@ppspittcounty.org
Coming in October – Fall Community Leader School Tour Series and Board of Education Candidate Forum. More information about these events will be shared in the September newsletter.