The first day of the 2024-2025 school year is August 26th. Students will use a variety of school supplies throughout the upcoming school year. Unfortunately not all PCS families are able to purchase supplies their children will need throughout the school year. For several years PPS-PC has co-hosted a Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive in an effort to collect donated school supplies to give to Pitt County Schools to ensure that students who are not able to purchase their own school supplies have access to the supplies they need to help them have a successful school year.
The 2024 Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive is sponsored by The Daily Reflector, ENC Pirate Reality, Allen Tate Companies, and Parents for Public Schools of Pitt County. The event will be at the 10th Street Walmart on Saturday, August 17th from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Patrons visiting the store during that time will be invited to purchase school supplies to donate to Pitt County Schools. Individuals and organizations are also encouraged to purchase school supplies ahead of the event and drop them off that Saturday. Look for the yellow school bus parked between the main entrance doors. Supplies can also be dropped off in advance of the event at the PPS-PC office. If you would like to drop off items at that office please email jbreazeale@ppspittcounty.org to make drop off arrangements. Cash or check donations are also accepted and PPS-PC will use those funds to purchase school supplies the day of the event. Monetary donations can be mailed to PO Box 2873 Greenville, NC 27836.
Items needed include: book bags, zipper pencil cases, pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, composition books, glue sticks, 3 ring binders (1,2 and 3 inch), pocket folders, clear protector sheets and index cards.
PCS school social workers are instrumental in helping get all donated supplies to the schools and students who need them the most. The annual Stuff the Bus event provides much needed school supplies for Pitt County Schools and students. Thank you to the Pitt County Community for supporting Pitt County Schools through the Stuff the Bus event!