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Whether your students are attending school through the hybrid model, or attending school 100% virtually, social and emotional learning needs remain high. Some suggestions for addressing those needs can be found below.

-Have a daily check in that allows each family member to share something they enjoyed about today and something they would change, or something they learned today. Connecting with those who ARE around you is important, even while grieving lost connections with those who are not around you.

-Have a time set aside each day when the whole family takes a screen break. This could be a time when everyone takes a break to read, play a game, take a walk, or just talk to one another.

– Provide a consistent routine. In a world where everything is changing, knowing what you CAN expect can be quite comforting. Things like consistent meal times, bed times, school times, or even TV show times can provide a sense of comfort as students (and adults!) try to figure out what to expect.

– Set aside time for students to connect with their peers, and acknowledge this necessary component of children’s lives. This could include many various activities that meet your comfort level, from playing with a friend, to riding a bike with a friend while staying several feet apart, to face timing with a friend, to talking on the phone with a friend.

– Establish a relationship with your school guidance counselor or social worker (or both!). Maybe you don’t need them right now, but if you do need to rely on their resources to help with social and emotional needs in the future, asking for help will be much easier if a relationship has been previously established.