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It has been an exciting month as we begin to prepare for the next Parent Engagement Program class! Since our last newsletter, applications to the program beginning in October 2018 are coming in. It is our hope to have all applications submitted before school lets out for the summer. Maybe you requested an application, but it moved to the bottom of the email list. Maybe you have been thinking about applying, but you just have not emailed us for an application. Maybe you know that right now is not a good time for you, but you have a friend who would be a great fit for this program. Or maybe you were just recently added to our email and you have not yet heard about applying for PEP. Rest assured it is not too late! There is still time to apply to be a part of the 2018-2019 Parent Engagement Program.

As a reminder, the class will meet from 8:30-2:30 on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from October – May with no class in December. Topics discussed in the class include common core, learning supports at home, advocacy, learning styles, and many more. By the time you graduate from the class, you’ll feel like you have all the knowledge you need to be a well-equipped advocate for public education. You will also have the opportunity to choose a project that will benefit at least one Pitt County school.

To receive an application, please email our Executive Director, Kylene Dibble at